To investigate Korean children’s development fear theme and it,s nature, Korean version of Revised Survey Schedule for children(FSSC-R, Ollendick) was performed to 555 elementary school children and 211 middle school adolescents. The results were as follows : 1) Test-retest reliability(0.83) and correlation validity with Trait-Anxiety Inventoiy of Spielberger( 0.50) results suggested that this inventory can be valid tool in evaluation Korean children’s fear. 2) Factor analysis revealed that Korean children’s fear structure was more intricated and there was some difference in it’s content 3) Mean value of fear score was significantly decreased with age and fear score of girls’ were significantly higher than that of boys, (p < 0 .0 l). 4) Korean students showed much higher mean value of fear score compared to American and Australian counterparts. 5) The ten most fear intensity items showed no difference by age, sex and nationality. However the least fear intensity ones showed some difference by nationality.
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