Previous studies on the immigration and acculaturation indicated that the acculturation level of immigrants to the host community affects their mental health. The authors compared the results of Symptom Check List(SCL-90) subscales and Acculturation scale surveyed in Yanbien, both Korean-Chinese and Chinese who reside in the same community. The Korean-Chinese sample was divided into high and low groups of acculturation level, hence three group samples were studied. For Sampling, random multi-stage cluster stratified method was applied. The total of 570 samples were surveyed, both Korean-Chinese and Chinese in Yanbien community. The results showed that: 1) The mean scores of total SCL-90 subscales, somatization, depression, anxiety, phobic anxiety, psychoticism of low acculturated Yanbien Korean-Chinese group were significantly higher than those of other two groups. After demographic variables were controlled, only the mean scores of anxiety, phobic anxiety and psychoticism were significantly higher. 2) The level of acculturation and age are positively correlated and their interacting effect on mean score of SCL-90 was also significant in Yanbien Korean-Chinese group.
서 론
연구대상 및 방법
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