최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

SCID를 이용한 酒酊中毒의 併發 정신장애 연구

Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders in Alcoholism— Using SCID Interviewㅡ

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Objects : To evaluate the prevalence of comorbid mental disorders and exam the effect of comorbidity and age of onset on the clinical variables in alcoholism. Methods : Using SCID-P the authors interviewed 101 male alcoholics hospitalized in Seoul Municipal Hospital, generating DSM-III-R diagnosis. After this we analysed the effect of presence of comorbid mental disorders and early age of alcoholism onset on the various clinical variables of alcoholism. Results * 46% of alcoholics were associated with comorbid mental disorders. Schizophrenia(10 %) and delusional disorder(lO%) were most common comorbid diagnoses followed by major depression(9% ),simple phobia(6%) and antisocial personality disorder(6%). Association with other mental disorders and early onset seemed to be related with poorer course, higher rate of familial history and criminality. Conclusion : The most frequent additional disorders were schizophrenia and delusional disorder in Korean male alcoholics, which needs further investigation for generalization. The results support the notion that presence of comorbidity and onset age have significant relations with a few clinical variables in alcocholism

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