The author has studied clinical effects of Moclobemide on depression. Moclobemide is a reversible monoamine oxidase inhibitor which predominently inhibits the A form of MAO. The results was as follows : 1) Sample size was 30(male 9, female 21), mean age 51.17 and diagnosis(ICD 9) was neurotic depression. 2) Moclobemide was administered 30—45mg/daily(100—150mgx tid) for 6 weeks and evaluated every 2 weeks. 3) Hamilton Depression Scale score of pretreatment was 26.13 and 2.37 at posttreatment. 4) Clinical global impression (CGI) were 4.03 (pretreatment), 3.30(after 2 weeks), 2.5 (after 4 weeks) and 1.90(after 6 weeks) respectively. 5) There were no significant differences in vital signs, blood chemistry and urinalysis. 6) Moclobemide is an recommendable antidepressant for clinical use.
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