A nationwide epidemiological study of mental disorders including obsessive-compulsive disorder in Korea using DIS-III Korean version was conducted in the Capital City o f Korea (Seoul) and 20 rural areas and the results were compared with those o f 6 other countries. The results were as follows : 1) The lifetime prevalence rate of obsessive-compulsive disorder was 2.14%, 2.299% in seoul and 1.90% in rural areas. 2) As for sex, the lifetime prevalence rate was higher in females, than in males, 2.03% in male and 2.38% in female. 3) The most prevalent age group was 18—24 yrs. old group(2.45%). 4) The lifetime prevalence rates of OCD of seven countries (Korea, USA, Canada, Puero Rico, New Zealand, Germany and Taiwan) were remarkably consistent across the cross-national sites. Most of the sites fall within the range of 1.9% (Korea) to 2.5% (Puerto Rico). The annual rate of OCD was also fairly consistent across sites, ranging from 1.8 (Puerto Rico) to 1.1 % (Korea and New Zealand). 5) Mean age of onset of OCD was in the mid-to late twenties to early thirties, with the earliest mean age at Canada(21.9yrs) and the latest at Puerto Rico(35.5 years). 6) The lifetime rate by sex, was generally higher in females as compared to males, except for Germany where males had a higher rate than females. In New Zealand, females had the highest rate among all of the females(3.4%) and in Germany males had the highest rate among all of the males(2.5%), The female to male ratios were consistent for Korea(1.2), Puerto Rico(1.2), Canada(1.3),USA(1.6) and Taiwan(1.8). 7) Proportion of persons with only obsession, only compulsion and both were also compared. In USA, Canada, Puerto Rico and New Zealand there was a larger proportion of persons with only obsession as compared to only compulsion. In Germany and Taiwan the proportion were equal and in Kroea there was a higher proportion of persons with compulsion only, just the opposite trend seen in most of the other sites. 8) Germany had the highest proportion of persons with both obsessions and compulsions. Most of th countries fall within the 13% to 26% range, with Puerto Rico slightly higher. 9) Comorbidity with major depression and any anxiety disorders (panic disorder or any phobia) in persons with and without OCD for the cross-national sites were compared. Persons with OCD were at a risk substantially greater than chance of also having comorbid major depression or any anxiety disorders as compared to persons without OCD across all sites, even though the comorbidity rates and the magnitude of risk vary by sites. The proportion of persons with OCD and any anxiety disorder were higher than that proportion with major depression. Persons with OCD at Munich (Germany) seemed to have higher proportion with major depression and anxiety disorder and are at greater risk than persons without OCD compared to the other sites.
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