최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

낮병원 치료 : 2년간 추적연구

Day Hospital treatment: A Controlled Follow Up Study

  • 26

A two year retrospective follow up analysis of outcome was done comparing 30 chronic schizophrenic patients discharged from standard in-patient hospital to day hospital treatment with 30 matched patients discharged directly to the community. The authors developed an 80 item interview questionnaire for sociodemographic characteristics, social functioning, family functioning, psychopathology and rehospitalization. Index numbers of rehospitalzation within two years were six in day hospital group, and eight in the comparative group respectively. When the duration was divided into three month intervals, cumulative percentage of number of patients rehospitalized was lower in the day hospital group. Readmission rate calculated by rehospitalization days divided by total follow-up days was, however, higher significantly in the day hospital group within one year. It seemed that this result within one year was due to the bias of selection of day hospital patient That is, the poorer prediction of community adjustment by the psychiatrist was related with the day hospital treatment. Social functioning score checked on the rehospitalized patients showed little difference between the two groups

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