최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

경계성 인격장애환자의 발달상의 특징

Developmental Characteristics of Borderline Personality Disorder

  • 260

In order to test general hypotheses about major events on developmental histoiy and familial psychopathology such as major separation, physical and sexaul abuse, poor parenting, familial psychiatric illnesses, we investigated 30 borderline patients and 30 schizophrenic controls by using checklists for their chart review,which diagnosis was confirmed according to DSMIII- R diagnostic criteria. The results were as follows : 1) Borderline patients were more frequently reported of major separation, physical and sexual abuse, and familial pathology than schizophrenics, although not significant statistically. 2) Borderline patients were significantly more likely than schizophrenics to report maternal ineffectuality, particularly her overinvolvement and neglect 3) Borderline patients were significantly more likely than schizophrenics to report a history o f suicidal threats and attempts. 4) Family history didn’t made no significant differences between borderline and schizophrenic patients. 4) Borderline patients were significantly more associated with maternal risk factors. There was also a trend associating borderline personality with disrupted attachment, althought not significant statistically. In conclusion, pathogenesis of borderline patients were most likely associated with maternal availability and caring attitude on developmental history

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