최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

뇌사에 대한 의사와 일반인의 태도 조사

Physician’s and Public Attitude Toward Brain Death

  • 6

In this attitude survey using Q-methodology, the authors attemped to identify the physician’s & public attitudes toward brain death. Thirty three statements related to attitude toward brain death were Q-sorted by 71 physicians & 71 laymen. The data were statistically analysed by Q-factor analysis. Five factors in physician group and six factors in layman group could be extracted. Characteristic features of five factors in the physicians were as follows : Factor A: Physicians of this factor positively approve of brain death by pragmatic reason. They agree to organ transplantation, but they resist donation of their own organs in organ transplantation. They are selfish and tresure their body. These people could be named as rThe egoistic brain death advocators」. Factor B : Physicians of this factor approve of brain death for organ transplantation. Most of them are religious. These people could be named as 「The humanitarian brain death advocators」. Factor C : Attitude toward brain death in this group is vague. They agree to organ transplantation and also have intention of donation of their own organs and receipt of others. These people could be named as 「The transplantation devotees」. Factor D : These physicians are indifferent in attitude toward brain death and organ transplantation basically. These people could be named a s 「The bystanders」. Factor E : These physicians have no trust in psysicians, religion and modem medicine. They agree to organ transplantation but strongly oppose to brain death. These people could be named as rThe doctor mistrustees」. Characteristic features of five factors in the laymen were as follows : Factor A : Subjects of this factor positively approve of brain death. They also agree to organ transplantation. They want to receive organs from others but do not intend to donate their own organs because they are selfish and tresure their body. These people could be named as 「The egoistic brain death advocators」. Factor B : People of this factor approve of brain death and organ transplantation. They are willing to donate their own organs. They are mostly post graduated, single females. These people could be named as 「The active brain death, transplantation advocators」. Factor C : People of this factor have somewhat negative attitude toward brain death but approve of organ transplantation. They have no intention of donation of their own organs in viewing traditional concept and attitude. They are mostly religious. These people could be named as 「The traditionals」. Factor D : These persons have no trust in physicians and religion. They have somewhat negative attitude toward brain death. They have no conspicuous opinion toward brain death and organ transplantation. These people could be named as 「The doctor mistrustees」. Factor E : This factor was polarized.「The extreme opposites to brain death」versus「The extreme brain death advocators」were named .「The extreme opposites to brain deathj strongly oppsed to brain death and organ transplantation. Attitude of 「The extreme opposites to brain deathj are mirror image of 「The extreme brain death advocators」. Discussion was carried out on the various attitude toward brain death in physicians and laymen.

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