Object : Authors wanted to find out whether the constitutional model developed by late Korean Je-Ma Lee could be applied to understand the patients with somatoform disorder. First, authors had to develop a vaild instrument that would identify 4 types of constitutional characteristics in healthy group. Second, applying this instrument, we classified the patients with somatoform disorder into 4 types and investigated whether they developed symptoms in the organs suggested by their constitutional types. Method : The original content in Dong Eu Soo Se Bo Won(東醫壽世保元) and Kyok Chi Go(格致薬) were translated into current Korean language. The reliability and validity of these items were analysed. To 500 healthy controls, Symptom Check List(SCL-90-R) and Personality test( 16-Personality Factor Questionnaire by Cattel) were given and cluster analysis was done according to the constitutional characteristics. In 115 patients, the consistency between physical symptom location and types of constitution was analysed. Result: The self rating test for 4 types of constitution was composed of 56 valid items whose contents included temperament, characteristics, good and weak point in usual life, peculiarities of physique and characteristics in disease condition. The healthy control group was divided mainly into 4 types i i.e. non-specific, greater Yang(太陽),lesser Yang(少陽), and greater Yin (太陰) which were not fully identical to the original content The male patients with somatoform disorder tended to have symptoms in upper abdomen and chest as suggested by their lesser Yin (少陰) type of constitution. Conclusion • A part of mechanism on the selection of physical symptom location in the patients with somatoform disorder is suggested to be dependent upon certain type of constitution. At least, male patients with lesser Yin tends to have symptoms in abdomen
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