최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

遲延性 運動障碍의 有病率 및 臨床的 亞型에 관한 研究

Prevalence Rate and Clinical Subtypes of Tardive Dyskinesia

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Using AIMS (Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale), we evaluated for tardive dyskinesia in 326 patients with chronic mental illness institutionalized in an asylum of the Flower Town. We found that the prevalence of tardive dyskinesia was 22.4% and the corrected prevalence rate (with the rate of spontaneous dyskinesia subtracted) was about 16.5-17.4%. There was no difference in the prevalence rate according to various risk factors such as sex, diagnosis, daily dosage of neuroleptics, and medication of antiparkinsonian drugs. However only age was a statistically significant risk factor in this study and the rate of tardive dyskinesia remarkably increased with age. Of various clinical symptoms of tardive dyskinesia, lingual dyskinesia was most frequently observed and AIMS score of the tongue was also highest In addition we investigated 73 tardive dyskinesia patients for some risk factors to examine the hypothesis that tardive dyskinesia should be composed of two clinical subtypes (orofacial dyskinesia and limb-truncal dyskinesia), but there was no statistical difference between them according to the risk factors

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