To clarify the relations between the level of results of biochemical tests and the possibility of diagnosis of alcohol dependence, we investigated 97 patients(43 alcohol dependence patients and 54 control patients) receiving admission care in Hangang Sacred Hospital from March 1, 1991 to July 31,1991. The results were as follows: 1) Dividing the results of SG OT , SGPT, gamma-GTP test into five levels, the diagnostic possibility of the alcohol dependence am ong the patients of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th level increased 1.54-5.35 times than among the patients of 1st level. 2) Adjusting the age effect the diagnostic probabilities o f alcohol dependence increased 7 .6 6 ( 95 % C . I . : 2.63-22.36),5.32(95% C.I. : 1.53-18.50) and 6 .5 4 (9 5 % C.I. : 2.04-20.95) times in the patients with higher SG OT , S G PT and gamma-GTP levels than in the lower, respectively. 3) Predictability of SG PT for the diagnosis o f alcohol dependence was influenced by the results of S G O T or gamma-GTP tests, and predictability of gamma-GPT was influenced by the results of S G O T and SG PT tests. But even adjusting the effect of age, gamma-GPT and S G P T ’ s results, the probability of alcohol dependence increased 4.68 times(95% C.I. * 1.45- 15.11) in the patients with higher S G O T level than in the patients with lower S G O T level. 4) There was no predictable value of the results of album in, triglyceride, uric acid, alkaline phosphatase and creatinine tests for the diagnosis of alcohol dependence. According to the results of this study, S G O T is more valuable diagnostic test than gamma- G T P in the laboratory diagnosis of alcohol dependence. We might recommend the judicious use of the levels of SGOT, gamma-GTP and S G P T tests in the diagnosis of alcohol dependence rather than the simplistic use of each laboratory test’ s abnomalities.
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연구대상 및 방법
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