The authors investigated the opinions of 53 supervisors by a questionnaire who were actively doing an individual supervision of psychotherapy in Korea and got various responses about a desirable supervision system and current problems and an improvement-direction of supervision from 33 persons among them. The results are as follows : Supervisors favor the 2nd year residency as a good period for beginning psychotherapy supervision. They favor once per week as an ideal frequency and 30-60 minutes per session as an ideal time of supervision. They also think that supervisees need to get a supervision even after finishing their residency training. Supervisors favor a verbatim-form in the presentation of supervision cases. They think that it is necessary to consider the personal relations between supervisors and supervisees for a good matching of them in supervision. C onditions to be a good supervisor are plentiful experiences in intensive psychotherapy’ , and ‘experiences of getting much supervision and training analysis’ . The most important things to teach to supervisees are transference and counter-transference’ and ‘ the ability to formulate psychodynamic assumptions for the patient’s conflicts,. Most of supervisors thin k that there are many problems in the current system of psychotherapy supervision in Korea. They are especially much interested in the training programs to improve the quality of themselves and the formal system to do a better supervision. So we suggest that this study presents some basic recommendations to improve the current system of psychotherapy supervision in Korea
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