최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

성전환증의 진단 및 치료

Diagnosis and Treatment of Transsexualism

  • 98

Twenty two preoperative transsesuals were interviewed by the author at Dong-A University Hospital in Korea and foreign and Korean literatures about transsexualism were reviewed to furnish clinicians with state-of-art knowledge about diagnosis and treatment. 1) No patient had undergone any psychiatric evaluation or treatment before visiting psychiatric unit. 2) Critical aspects of the psychiatric interviews with transsexuals were to establish an empathic relationship and to overcome negative countertransference. 3) So far the most practical and medically appropriate treatment modality for true primary transsexuals has been known as sex reassignment surgery. 4) It is necessary to establish refined and realistic criteria for selecting sex reassignment candidates in Korea

서 론

진 단

감별 진단

치 료

요 약

