The authors translated a Neurobehavioral Cognitive Status Examination (NCSE),a screening examination that evaluates cognitive functioning in five major cognitive ability areas (language, constructions, memory, calculations, and reasoning) into Korean and examined the validity of the Korean version of NCSE. In order to examine the validity of NCSE, the authors calculated sensitivity, specificity, and kappa coefficient between diagnoses using DSM-III-R and NCSE. Diagnosing dementia syndrome as impairment in three or more of the five major ability areas as in the original version of NCSE, sensitivity, specificity, and kappa coefficient of Korean version showed 100%, 53%, and 0.54 consecutively, which is statistically acceptable. Still, with score changes in criteria i.e. diagnosing dementia syndrome as impairment in four or more of the five major ability area,sensitivity, specificity, and kappa coefficient of Korean version of NCSE became 91 90%, and 0.81 consecutively. The results indicate that new criteria of four major ability areas in Korean version of NCSE shows higher agreement rate with clinical assessment using DSM-III-R in diagnosing dementia
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