최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

홧병에 있어서의 방어기제와 대응전략

Defense Mechanisms and Coping Strategies in Hwabyung

  • 104

Defense mechanisms and coping strategies in Hwabyung patients were studied with 109 healthy persons and 132 neurotic patients. They were asked to rate the hwabyung scale, Bond’s defense style questionaire and a coping strategy scale. The patients with hwabyung were 4 of 110 normal persons and 42 of 132 neurotic patients. The results suggest that hwabyung is significantly related with the mechanisms of somatization, orality, suppression-inhibiton-withdrawal, avoidance of stimulus and tension, extemalization, help-seeking complaining, impulsiveness (hwapuri). Also hwabyung is related with humor, pseudoaltruism,omnipotence, self-pity, fatalism, and fantasy.

서 론

연구 대상 및 방법

연 구 결 과

토 론

결 론

