최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

하악관절 동통 및 機能障碍를 隨伴한 精神科 患者의 精神科的 症例分析

Case Formulation of Psychiatric Patients with Temporomandibular Pain and Dysfunction

This study was intended to review comprehensively the articles related to temporomandibular joint disorder and to analyse psychoanalytically the case with temporomandibular dysfunction and bruxism as a symptom of hysterical conversion disorder. In addition, two cases of psychiatric patients with the temporomandibular problems due to trauma were studied. As a result the authors found that in the aspect of psychoanalysis, the temporomandibular problem and bruxism was a kind of symptom of emotional conflict being converted to the face. We would like to emphasize that improving the referral process and enhancing the ability of dentists and psychiatrists to work as a therapeutic teams can increase the probability of successful treatment for several types of patients

서 론

증 례

고 찰

결 론

