최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

향정신성 약물에 의한 무과립구증 1예

A Case of Agranulocytosis Following Psychotropic Agent Therapy

Agranulocytosis has been observed worldwidely, but only a few cases were reported in Korea. Psychotropic agents are not frequent cause of agranulocytosis and usually not harmful to most people. These reaction may result from underlying immunologic mechanisms related to a possible supressive effect on granulopoiesis by psychotropic agent in bone marrow. It sugests that even before exposure to psychotropic agent sensitive patients have a less efficient mechanism for granulopoiesis than nonsensitive patients. The author experienced a case of agranulocytosis with superimposed infection following long term psychotropic agent therapy. The author suggest that in the patient with agranulocytosis, psychotropic agent may be a causative factor or cumulative effect of it’s metabolites, or both. The author recommended, therefore, that long term psychotropic agent therapy should be carried on with caution and performed frequent serial follow up check of peripheral blood

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