The authors experienced a patient who complained of excessive daytime sleepiness and cataplexy, and confirmed the diagnosis of narcolepsy through overnight polysomnography and M ultiple Sleep Latency Test(MSLT). In ovemigth polysomnography, total bed time was 491 minutes, total sleep time was 325 minutes and sleep efficiency was 66.2%. Sleep latency was 36 minutes and latency to REM sleep was 253 minutes. Fractions of each sleep stages by total sleep time were 54.5% (Stage 1),19.4% (Stage 2), 15.7% (Stage 3+4),10.5% (REM ) respectively. Multiple Sleep Latency Test was performed at 10 : 00,12 : 00,14 : 00,16 * 00. In the test Sleep latency was shortened by under 5 minutes at all of the 4 times test and Sleep Onset REM (SO REM ), a characteristic polysomnographic feature of the narcolepsy,was observed two times at test 14 : 00 and 16 • 00. The authors reported the polysomnographic findings of a case of narcolepsy with literature review.
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