The evidences of structural abnormalities in schizophrenic brains could be supported by the morphological and functional neuroimaging techniques as well as the neuropathological findings of the postmortem brains of schizophrenic patients. Gliosis and cellular dysarray, in addition to the tissue atrophy induced by the neuronal loss, in limbic system, basal ganglia, cerebral corticies and other brainstem structures were reported in the literature. The causes o f structural brain abnormalities in schizophrenia are not yet clarified. Some hypotheses include genetic effects, perinatal brain injury, and developmental anomaly and embryonic insult with viral infection which affects N-CAM maturation changes during reinnervation o f injured neuronal cells to result in cellular disarray.
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정신분열병 환자 뇌의 구조적 이상
구조적 뇌 변화의 의미
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