In this study, the authors examined the structural changes of brain in the patients with mood disorder. The subjects were twenty-eight patients with mood disorder admitted to the department of neuropsychiatry of Chung-Ang university hospital from July 1986 to March 1992,and the control group was thirty-one patients who visited the outpatient department of neuropsychiatry of Chung-Ang university hospital in the same period. All CT findings were ‘radiologically normal,. The authors compared these two groups using planimeter method such as Evans index. Frontal Horn index, Bicaudate index, Celia media index, third ventriclesylvian fissure/skull index, width of third ventricle,width of fourth ventricle and VBR(Ventricular- Brain Ratio). The results were as follows: 1) VBR of ten patients were larger than the 2SD above the mean VBR in control group, VBR of 22 patients were larger than the 1SD above the mean VBR in control group (79 % ). Bicaudate index was also larger than 2SD from mean value of control group in 16 patients and was more than 1SD in 18 patients(59%). 2) Evans index. Frontal Horn index, Celia media index, third ventricule-sylvian fissure/skull index, width of third ventricle, and width of fourth ventricle were not significantly different in two groups. In conclusion, VBR and bicaudate index in mood disorder group were significantly enlarged.
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