The authors studied insight in order to investigate its relationships to psychopathology and drug compliance in the schizophrenic patients. The subjects were 60, acutely and subacutery hospitalized patients who had relapsed more than one time. A measure of insight reflecting patients’ recognition of their illness and need for treatment was revalidated against ratings from a semistructured interview after translation and modification of the original questionnaire of McEvoy et al􀀈s(1981􀀈1989). The measure of drug compliance was performed by the use of original method of Van Putten􀀈s(1974). Degree of insight was consistently related to the degree of drug compliance but not severity of acute psychopathology. Nor did changes in insight during hospitalization vary consistently with changes in acute psychopathology. After running mutiple regression to see the effect of the explanatory variable including demographic variable, psychopathology and drug compliance to insight it was revealed that only drug compliance was the reponse variable in equation which had explanatory power with 8% and 23% each time. The authors discussed the possibility of existence of other variable such as socialization after admission which might explain insight on the other aspects. The authors also dicussed that the impairment of cognitive function might be reponsible for poor insight in schizophrenia. As a result these data suggest that only little of the deficiency in insight in schizophrenic patients is explanable on the basis of psychopathologic feature.
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