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KCI등재 학술저널

主要憂戀症환자 예비평가에서 the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale(CES-D) 의 진단적 타당성 연구

Diagnostic Validity of the CES-D(Korean Version) in the Assessment of DSM-III-R Major Depression

  • 2,522

Through four times of preliminary trials, the authors translated the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), a self-reporting depression scale, into Korean, paying particular attention to the culturally different mode of expression of depressive feelings and thoughts. The final version of the CES-D was administered to 164 psychiatric patients (30 schizophrenic, 31 alcohol dependence, 30 anxiety disorder, 46 major depression, 27 remitted depression), and 540 non-random selected general population. Reliability and validity test optimal cut-off point estimation, and R O C curve analyis were done to investigate the diagnostic validity of this depression screening instrument in assessing clinical depression (DSM-III-R major depression). Internal consistency-reliability and concurrent validity associated with other depression measure scales (H RD S, DSI, B D I) were excellent Content validity and discriminant validity which differentiate DSM-III-R major depression patients from other psychiatric patients were also good. The authors suggested the score ‘25’ as the optimal cut-off point in clinical setting, and the score ‘21’ in the community setting for its use as a primary screening test for further test to idenify DSM-III-R major depression. This relatively high cut-off point was reviewed in the viewpoint of culturally determined style of response for the depression questionnaire in Korea. R O C curve analysis revealed wide AUC o f this instrument which indicates its high diagnostic validity in assessing DSM-III-R major depression. Observer rating scales such as H R S D and D S I were a bit superior to self reporting scales, and the CES-D and B D I showed almost equal diagnostic validity in assessing DSM-III-R major depression

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