This study was designed to investigate the religious attitudes of psychiatric inpatients by using a structured interview questionnaire which concerns with religious beliefs,practices and experiences. The subjects consist of 109 psychiatric inpatients who were admitted to the Department of Neuropsychiatry, St Mary’s Hospital from July 1,1990 to July 31, 1991. The results were as follows: 1) The rate of belief in the major tenets o f faith (God, the Devil and after life) of psychiatric inpatients was uniformly high and was also higher than that o f Korean general population. 2) Positive responses to religious practices and experiences in general lagged behind religious beliefs and the rate of those items specifically associated with charismatic and fundamentalist church membership was uniformly low. 3) In general, the percentage of respondants who answered affirmatively to the items of religion were more likely to be female, 35 years or older, married bom urban or suburban, and had received education above college. 4) Patients with major depression, personality disorder, and anxiety disorder tended to score lower than those with manic episode and schizophrenia on a wide variety of indices of religion.
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