최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

영남지역 출토 4~5세기대 土師器系土器의 재검토

A Reconsideration of the Hajiki Type Pottery of the Fourth to Fifth Centuries Excavated from the Youngnam Region

  • 501

4~5세기 영남지역에서는 일본 古墳時代의 생활용토기인 土師器의 영향을 받은 하지키계토기가 다수 출토된다. 하지키계토기는 당시 영남지역과 일본열도 사이에 다양한 교류 형태를 보여 주는 중요한 자료이지만, 기존 연구는 하지키의 판별기준이 단일속성에 기인하거나 불분명한 점이 있고 유사성만을 근거로 출토원인을 파악했다는 문제점이 있다. 본고에서는 하지키와 동 시기 영남지역의 연질토기와의 차이점을 세부적으로 제시하고, 이를 통해 하지키계토기로 나타난 ‘교류’의 다양한 내용에 접근하기 위한 기초작업을 행하고자 하였다. 그 결과 4~5세 기대 영남지역에는 지속적으로 왜인의 도래와 함께 하지키의 제작정보가 유입되고 있다고 판단된다. 그러나 그 수량은 소량에 지나지 않으며, 출토양상에서도 하지키만 출토되는 유구는 존재하지 않고 항상 연질토기 혹은 도질토기와 함께 공반하는 등 독자적인 움직임은 보이지 않는 것을 알 수 있었다.

There is much evidence of interaction between the Japanese Archipelago and the Youngnam region. Among such evidence is the Hajiki type pottery that was influenced by the utilitarian Hajiki pottery of the Japanese Kofun Period. However, while Hajiki type pottery is an important category of evidence that illustrates the wide range of the interactions that took place between the Japanese Archipelago and the Youngnam region, analysis carried out thus far has only focused on the reason for their presence, based on the similarity with the Hajiki pottery of Japan. However, there have been few studies concerning the standards according to which a vessel is judged to be similar to the Japanese Hajiki pottery or how to regard the differences and similarities. Based on a detailed observation of the pottery, this study presents the differences between Japanese Hajiki pottery and the soft earthenware vessels of the Youngnam Region which are contemporaneous. Based on the observations, this study tries to establish whether or not actual examples of Japanese Hajiki pottery were introduced into the Youngnam region, as well as whether or not Japanese Hajiki pottery was imitated. Furthermore, the study attempts to carry out groundwork for assessing the various data involved in the interaction between the two regions, through an analysis on the excavated contexts of the Hajiki vessels dating to the 4th and 5th centuries. As a result, the presence of non-local products or local products that were imitations, which followed the manufacturing techniques of the Hajiki vessels dating from the end of the 3rd century to the beginning of the 5th century were identified. Some of the vessels had become ‘localized’ by the indigenous population. In addition, Hajiki pottery was found to have been used in the Gimhae-Busan area from the end of the 3rd century to the middle of the 4th century. In the southern coastal region of Korea, the Jeolla provinces, and the Ulsan-Kyoungju regions, Hajiki pottery continued to be used after the end of the 4th century. This study shows that the manufacturing techniques of the Hajiki pottery was continually introduced into the Youngnam region during 4th with the movement of populations. The number of such vessels, however, was limited. And because Hajiki pottery is found in association with the indigenous soft earthenwares or unglazed earthenwares of the Korean Peninsula, and as archaeological contexts in which only Hajiki was excavated have yet to be found, it can be surmised that the pottery was used with a specific purpose by the communities of the Korean Peninsula.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 하지키계토기의 판별 및 사례검토

Ⅲ. 하지키계토기의 추이

Ⅳ. 하지키계토기를 통해 본 倭와의 교류양상

Ⅴ. 맺음말
