최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

「衣帶病」에 대한 精神分折學的考察 — 「閑中錄」에 浮刻된 思悼世子의 病歷研究—

PSYCHOANALYTICAL STUDY ON PRINCE SADO S — “Oui Dai Disease” From Recordings of “Han Jung Rok”ᅳ

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This Psychoanalytic study is based on recording of “Han Jung Rok” which is one of the most famous literatural works in Korean dynesties. I have studied the prince Sado’s “oui Dai disease” and gained conclu ;sions as follow: 1. “Oui Dai disease” has analmost similar symbolic structure to the Freud’s “ Taboo disease” 2. The symbolic meanings of the death of Prince Sado are also similar to that of ancient ritual scape goat. 3. Prince Sado’s death in Korea in a good contrast with parricidal resolution which in the terminal point of the struggles between a father and a son, Oedipus coplex in Europe.

序 晌

壬午禍變의 史的背景

衣帶病의 進展經緯

衣帶病의 發生機轉에 대한 고찰

衣帶病의 終末

衣帶病과 Taboo病

思悼世子의 죽음과 睛罪羊的意義

結 論

參 考 文 獻
