It is important for psychoanalytic understanding of patient to analyse the mythical items or stories which we can find in symptoms of mental illness. The my-deal factors in symptom of patient are fundamen- and a pig in his hallucination, after killing a lly one of culture pattern symptoms, which should analysed by knowledge of the psychological strucre of traditional culture. Even if this symptom of Korean patients can be lalysed by way of Freudian symbolization, there e some problems to have respect to influence from iltural tradition. For example, from secondary idea myth, dream and symptom, primary idea should analysed by taking consideration of specific culral pattern. Five cases of Korean patients with the mythical ems or stories were presented, a) A frigid, hysterical woman with symptom of vigourous sexual excitement by contact with Sun-lighte This woman was understood that repressed incestous fantasy to her father took it ,s wishfullfillment by fantastic sexual intercourse with The Sun which was considered as one of totems. The symptom of this woman was discussed comparing with a Korean myth of birth of a hero : The First King of Kokuryo dynasty was born from a woman whom The Sun radiated his light to her womb and made her pregnant. ) A paranoid woman who met a mountain god in form of an old man and a tiger in her hallu- cination and tried to be a mountain goddess for living with them. In Korean folklore, tiger is a traditional totem and the mountain god who was appeared as a from of a dignified oldman. Her symptom was also incestous. c) A young girl who was afraid of big snake. The big snake is a god and some times a goddess who were respected as the popular guardian of many villages and houses. The big snake is the most common totem in Korean country. There are many simillar legends concerned to big snake. The most popular story runs: A big snake who got only young girls and ate them for his living was killed by a brave man, who died because of killing snake. This fear of big snake in legend is resemble to that of a young girl presented. d) A young man who was punished by an oldman and a pig in his hallucination, after killing a pig of a neighbour village. The pig is a traditional animal to be sacrficed for every ritual of sky or ancestral worship. I can guess that this pig is an ancestral image. The primary idea of pig and oldman is equally stem-father. In Korean legend, there are several stories concerned to pig totem. One of stories runs: An oldman who seized only wives of village chief and got wedding with them was a disguised pig in human form. All of villagers are afraid of him. One day, this pig was killed by a brave chief of village whose wife was seized by the pig。 His wife gave a birth to a great scholar due to pregnancy by that pig. The symptom of this case presented is also fear of killing father and incest fear referring to this legend, e) A young obsessive boy who is afraid of being driven away from family by his father. During long term psychotherapy patient said as following:“My father is so stern that I am afraid of being driven away from home by fathers punishment. If I do not study hard my father should drive me away. So I must study hard and make peace with father. I can not protest against him because he is an absolute and stern being. If he drives me away my tender mother should give me a shelter of mother sided family. We can find a few manifested Edipal story in Korean myth. Most of edipal stories are hidden in form of totemism. Some of them are changed into two atypical types. First type : Father drives him away. But he can not kill or protest agaist his father because of traditional strong filial duty. So father is killed by heavenly punishment. This is a manifestation of projection to heavenly will. After death of father he becomes to live with mother without marriage. Second type : Father drives him away. Mother gives him a shelter
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