최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

Folie a Deuxᅳ이난성 (二卵性) 쌍생아( 雙生兒)에서 본 일례 (一例)


  • 7

The authors analyzed dynamically and discussed a rase of folie a deux manifested as paranoid schizophrenic reaction in fraternal twins. The lives of the twins are just like that of a person. They have never seperated through their lives. They had lain in the mother s womb together,slept under a coverlet, sat side by side in the school and always went around everywhere in pairs. They have hardly had any intimate friends or neighbors, and even when they had a friend, he was not the friend of a twin but of both. It appears that they formed a microsociety, in which close association and free activity occurred sharing their thinkings, feelings, interests, apprehensions and hopes. Through such a life it is expected that they could not grow up independent personalities and their egos could not be differentiated to each individual. And it is probable that the two undifferentiated egos become a whole one and gain safety and satisfaction by their union. It will be very natural that the thought of one partner is transferred to the other through the symbiosis of personality. Most authors emphasize the dominant-submissive relationship between the primary patient and the secondary partner9 but we think it is not inevitable in folie a deux . The long intimate association of the partners isolated from the society w ill promote to form the morbid personality structure that is the soil in which delusions may be sown and flourish.

증 례 (症例)

고 안 (考按)

결 어 (結語)

