최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

精神治療者의 人格


  • 30

Tne author reviewed the literatures on the role of therapist s personality in the treatment of patients, especially in psychotherapy. He also discussed the discovery of transfereftce phenomena by Freud and recognition of the decsive importance of the therapist^ personality by Jung and Kretsdmer and others He noted that the recent developments in psychotherapy and the studies of the role of therapists personality in Western psychiatry and psychotherapy pointed to the increasing emphasis on therpist s personality and decreasing emphasis on techaniques. The author noted that this increasing emphasis on the personality of the therapist along with the elevation of the goals of psychotherapy to the level of individuation, self-realization, selfactualization and liberation of patients concide with the Tao already establiched more than 2.500 years ago in the East (Laotze, Confucius, Sun(Zen) and oriental mcdicine). The anthor urged the Korean therapists to cultivate the traditional concepts of Kam hwa (change of personality by contact with another personality) and Dongsasup (helping by participation in the doing or affairs of the client) and to examine their own subjectivity.
