Treating a Korean legend “Mt. Dallae” analytically, which contains a theme of suicide by injuring the genitalia because of guilty feeling due to incestuous wish, the authors tried to disclose the relationships between incest wish and selfmutilation on penis, face and its meaniDg as a symbol of genitalia. The nature of Korean culture and its effects on the psychology of sex among Korean were also discussed. Because there were little confusions in the sexual role and position in a family among Korean under the influence of rigid Corfucian thoughts, overt homosexuality or proble-ms of incest have not been so frequently seen as in Western countries. We have, however also indicated that the univers, al theme of Oedipus complex and homosexuality h ave never escaped its expression on Korean cultural scene although it is understandably culture-bound.
序 首
性器自傷의 問題
辕國文化와 性心理
參 考 文 歡