A long alcohol intubation with 2.0ml of 33% ethanol per lOOgm body weight was induced on the albino rats for 45 days, and changes in the oxygen consumption rateCQ02) of the cerebral cortex as well as the body weight were studied. The results obtained are summerized as follows : (1) The oxygen consumption rate(Q02) of the rats cerebral cortex did not show any noticeable difference in the initial stage of 1〜2 days following the alcohol intubation comparing with the control. However, a tendency of the significant decrease in Q02 the intubation continued and the days progressed (2) The rate of increase in body weight was greatly inhibited by the alcohol intabation particularly in the first 5 days. A gradual increase in the body weight, on the other hand, was observed thereafter till 45 days of the intubation, though it did not recover to the inital level thoughout the entire experiment