Thirty years old female patient has been suffered from paroxysmal depressive attacks since her age of 20. The attack seemed had to do with pregnancy, fatigue and ill-humor. At the begining of her illness the attack usually lasted for about 2 hours and cleared up after long sleep. But for these several years the attack of paroxysmal depressive mood has been prolonged up to 2 to 3 days duration. Not more than this prolongation of the attack this patient has been suffered from occasional aphonic seizure. Neurological and laboratory findings revealed nothing but all are within normal limits. The electrencephalographic findings revealed high voltage of slow activities in all leads. Under Dilantin(daily 300mg to 500mg) w ith Phenobarbital( 60mg to lOOmg) medication the attack was not controlled but severe side effects followed. Then she was given 40mg of Amphetamine Sulfate daily in additon the above mentioned medication, and the attack was satisfactorily, but not completely, controlled
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