최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

同性愛者의 2 例


  • 10

We have seen sexual inversion not infrequently,and homosexual problems of these occurr more frequently in group life such as military. Here, we present two cases of overt homosexuals taking part as male and female role respectively. Case I Cfemale role) has grown up as a feminine boy through his family influence, insufficient father and domineering mother, with having no wish to be a man, and Case II has grown up as a delinquent child with having hostile feeling to his alcoholic, brutal and horrible father . Since 8 years old, case I has begun anal inte-rcourse taking part female role, and case H has experienced some sexual play with a aged girl seduced by her at his age of 11, and their homosexual act has become more intensified and frequently performed after they were drafted in army. Behavior, attitude and tone of voice of case I was similar to those of female with doing make-up, and beside the frequent expeliences of anal intercour se and the attempt of incestuous sexual contact case II bad sexual plays with animals—hen and goat, several times. Case I is single, and case II has one doughter and has not enjoyed his marital life since. Therapeutic efforts in their homosexalities are less effective while their neurotic and psychotic symptoms are slightly responsible to.

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