최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

國立精神病院의 病院精神醫學

  • 10

The National Mental Hospital is 360 bed modern mental hospital which was established on February 1962. About $ 1,800,000 was appropriated for this hospital project. To achieve an acceptable standard of treatment, research and training with a limited budget, and to solve the problem of overcrowding patients, especially chronic deteriorated ones, the hospital psychiatry should be intensively studied in many ways. Here I put the first things to be done and considered. 1. H ospital Atmosphere Our utmost goal is to establish the “ therapeutic com m unity” atmosphere. T o get this goal, all members o f hospital must be highly qualified respectively. W e know that it is not a easy job and takes much time. Education and training o f nurses and aids is urgently needed. In this country there is no any official training system for psychiatric nurse and aid. 2. Drug therapy vs. schock treatment W e positively feel that shock treatment should be replaced by drug therapy. After this replacement the management o f patients became easy and ward atmosphere became more friendly. 3. Open door policy Sooner or later every mental hospital, we believe, should consider and practise the open door system. W e start to unlock one wing o f building. Where both sexes are not segregated in day time. The results are satisfactory. 4. Occupational therapy Above mentioned “ therapeutic com m unity” or open door policy are satisfactorily carried out only when O .T. and recreational facilities utilized sufficiently and therapeutically. W e have no any facility now but we got budget for it and it is our next year’s big project. 5. Length o f hospitalization In this country psychiatry or mental hygiene is poorly understood and underdeveloped field. So we can not expect early discharge and shortening hospitalization as advanced countries do because there is no any system which provides after care or psychiatric social service. In this circumstances, we are considering two plans. One is to establish D ay—hospital system which, we strongly believe, makes early discharge o f patients possible. Next one is to establish special buildings for chronic patients whose long hospitalization is inevitable. Otherwise this hospital will be occupied by these chronic patients for a long period and circulation o f patients might be stopped.

治療共同體 (Therapeutic Community)의 造成

藥物療法 對 衝撃療法

開放病棟의 問題


