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KCI등재 학술저널

三國時代 嶺南 出土 札甲의 硏究

A Study on the Lamellar Armour Excavated in the Youngnam Area in the Three Kingdoms Period

  • 536

본고는 찰갑연구에서 가장 중요한 점은 모든 부위를 조합해서 전체적인 양상을 파악해야 한다는 것으로 보고 이 점에 주목하여 연구를 진행하였다. 그리하여 찰갑의 각 부위별로 형식분류를 행한 후 출토 시 나타나는 부위별 조합을 통해 5개의 유형으로 분류하였다. 단계를 나누고 절대연대를 설정한 결과, 4~5세기대의 찰갑의 양상은 총 5기로 나눌 수 있었다. 이러한 시기별 변화양상과 함께 지역성을 검토해 보았다. I기는 부산·경주지역(釜山·慶州地域)에서 A형 찰갑이 부장되는 시기이며, II기는 부산·김해·경주지역(釜山·金海·慶州地域)에서 A형과 B형 찰갑이 주를 이루는 시기이다. 이를 통해 부산·경주와의 관련성을 상정하기도 하지만, 부장양상을 함께 검토한 결과, I·II기의 찰갑은 부장양상에서 부산·경주와의 차이가 인정되고, 오히려 부산·김해지역과의 관련을 엿볼 수 있다. II기가 되면 부산·김해지역이 판갑에서 기술 교류가 인정되어 부산식판갑이 성립되지만 찰갑에까지 기술교류가 일어나지는 않는다. III기는 400년 고구려의 남정 직후의 단계로, 당시의 혼란스러운 긴장상태를 잘 나타내준다. 대성동(大成洞)세력의 멸망으로 A형 찰갑이 소멸되며, 완성형의 찰갑이 등장하기 전의 정착되지 않는 단계이다. IV기는 완성형 찰갑의 성립으로 D2형 찰갑이 부산·경산지역에서 출토한다. 이 단계에서는 완성형의 찰갑만을 부장하는 부산지역이 신라에 복속되지 않고 세력을 유지하는 것을 알 수 있다. V기는 IV식 요찰이 등장하며 III식 요찰이 공존한다. IV식 요찰(Ω자형)은 왜계 갑주와의 관련으로 보는 견해도 있는데, 정형화되기 전의 다양한 형태, 연결기법, 고정공·복륜공 투공수 등을 통해 한반도에서 자생하여 발달해간 것으로 파악한다. 또한 V기에는 합천지역(陜川地域)에 B형, D형, E형의 다양한 찰갑 부장이 증가하는데, 후기가야의 성립으로 대가야에서의 무장의 강화로 보았다.

In this paper, recognizing that the study of armour has focused on vertical plate armour and that the study of lamellar armour has been insufficient, I undertake a study of lamellar armour focusing on its overall aspect, as comprised of all parts. There are no common terms for the parts due to the lack of systematic research. Therefore, in examining terms and section names which have been confused, I present essential section names derived from hanbok. I maintain that lamellar armour consists of body armour and attached armour and further separate the armour into waist lamellar, body lamellar, upper arm lamellar, skirt lamellar, neck protector, arm protector, upper leg protector, and lower leg protector. In the third section of this paper, I attempt typological classification based on armour sections. The primary standards for classification are the form of the waist lamellar, the connecting method of the body lamellar, the existence of upper arm lamellar and skirt lamellar, and changes in the manufacturing techniques of neck and arm protectors. The upper and lower leg protector could not be studied as examples of such have yet to be found. After typological classification, I established five types based on the composition of parts as identified through excavation. Through the results of the typological classification and the selection of attributes which reflect temporal change, I separate the phrases and establish the ages. Lamellar armour was thus separated into five stages. The appearance of the A-type lamellar armour, the appearance the B-type lamellar armour, the disappearance of the A-type lamellar armour and the transition to the C-type lamellar armour, the progressive adoption of the III-type waist lamellar and the use of various types of lamellar armour as grave goods in the Youngnam area, the materialization of the IV-type waist lamellar and the golden-craft conversion of the lamellar armour are the epoch-making events. In the fourth section, I examine spatial distribution according to diachronic change. The first stage was a period in which A-type lamellar armour was buried in Busan and Gyeongju. It is thought that they were connected to one another, but there is a difference between the two in the first and second stages, as can be identified through the examination of burial contexts. Rather, there is a connection between Busan and Gimhae. In the second stage, it is recognized that there was technical interchange between the two regions, and that the Busan-type vertical plate armour appeared. But there was no interchange in the case of lamellar armour. The third stage, which is the period after the southern conquest of Goguryeo in 400 AD, shows a confused strain. With the collapse of the Daesungdong group, A-type lamellar armour disappeared and there is no lamellar armour of completion. In the fourth stage, lamellar armour of completion appears and D2-type lamellar armour is excavated in the areas of Busan and Gyeongsan. In this stage, Busan, which was the only area in which lamellar armour of completion was not buried, was not yet included in Silla and still exercised influence. In the fifth stage, IV-type lamellar appeared, coexisting with III-type waist lamellar. The IV-type waist lamellar(Ω-type) is thought to be connected with Japanese armour, but it appeared and developed in the Korean peninsula in various forms, connecting methods, fixing holes and hole numbers before standardization. In the fifth stage, the burial of lamellar armour – B-type, D-type and E-type – increased in the Hapcheon area. This can be taken to reflect the strengthening of armoury by Dae-Gaya following the formation of Later Gaya. I have classified lamellar armour and have examined its regional distribution. I wanted to exami

Ⅰ. 머리말

1. 硏究史

2. 問題提起및 硏究目的

Ⅱ. 札甲의 名稱과 構造

1. 用語와 構造

2. 製作技法

Ⅲ. 型式分類와 編年

1. 身甲

2. 附屬甲

3. 札甲의 類型

4. 段階設定과 編年

Ⅳ. 嶺南地域札甲의 地域別樣相

1. 地域圈設定

2. I·II기

3. III기

4. IV기

5. V기

Ⅴ. 맺음말
