Awareness of public mental health has increased due to drastic changes in society, and issues concerning the rights of mentally ill patients have emerged. The Korean NeuroPsychiatric Association (KNPA) has examined the current environment and proposed directions for improvement of this field. As the step for the implementation of the development of the mission · vision · core values for KNPA, KNPA have gone on the effort to improve public mental health letting people realize of the work that KNPA have carried out and help members work together. The committee of special mission of KNPA began in 2016 and held its first meeting on March 25 with professional consultants. They researched and collected information, carried out interviews, surveys, analyzed various opinions, and examined information and materials throughout 7 meetings. The special members of KNPA submitted agendas to the board of directors on September 9th, and the provisional board committee debated and decided the final agendas on September 24th. They announced the mission · vision · core values for KNPA on October 28th at the great autumn congregation held in Kimdaejung Convention Center in Kwangju. The event has proved that all members of KNPA have cooperated for the rights and interest of the committee, and will lead the public mental health of our society. This will provide the basis for the better life of our society.
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