최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

진화정신의학의 연구 방법

Research Methodologies of Evolutionary Psychiatry

  • 62

Evolutionary psychiatry is a branch of medical science concerning mental disorders, and also a multidisciplinary research field with close relation to psychology, anthropology, evolutionary biology, neuroscience, and ethology. Although evolutionary psychiatry is a promising area for further psychiatric studies, it is still in its infancy. Thus, there are no certain research methods using evolutionary approaches toward mental diseases. It is still at the level of adopting and applying the research methods of the aforementioned adjacent fields. We aim to investigate a variety of research methods proposed to date and then compare them, which will provide a glimpse of the future of evolutionary psychiatry in the upcoming era.

서 론

고신경학적 연구

비교생물학적 동물 연구

비교문화적 연구

분자신경유전학적 연구

진화심리학적 관찰연구

결 론

