최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

북한이탈주민진료센터 정신건강의학과를 내원한 북한이탈주민에서 외상 후 스트레스장애와 사회 적응 및 삶의 질 관계

Predictors of PTSD among North Korean Defectors Visited Psychiatric Department of North Korean Defectors Treatment Center

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ObjectivesZZThis study was conducted to evaluate post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the quality of life and social adjustment of North Korean refugees who consulted psychiatric clinics. MethodsZZA total of 66 North Korean refugees who consulted a psychiatric clinic were included in the analysis. A psychiatrist conducted interviews with the subjects, and PTSD was diagnosed using the clinician-administered PTSD Scale. The quality of life of the subjects was evaluated using the World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale. ResultsZZThirty five (53%) were diagnosed with PTSD. Quality of life was found to show association with understanding the language in South Korea, difficulty interacting with South Koreans, and experience or feeling of neglect. Quality of life of the PTSD group was lower than in the Non- PTSD group. Difficulty adapting to South Korean society was also higher in the PTSD group. Experience or feeling of neglect was negatively correlated with the quality of life in the PTSD group. ConclusionZZThe results of this study may be helpful in providing a specific direction for psychiatric intervention strategies to improve overall quality of life and adaptation to life in South Korea.

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