최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

주의력결핍 과잉행동장애 아동의 이야기치료 효과

The Effects of Narrative Therapy for Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

  • 288

ObjectivesZZClinical symptoms and related psychological problems in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are associated with low self-control and problematic interpersonal relationship between family members. A therapeutic narrative treatment based on “Treating Huckleberry Finn” by David Nylund was reported to be effective in reduction of individual or family conflicts. We hypothesized that therapeutic narrative treatment would improve self-control and parent-child relational problems. MethodsZZSixteen children who were diagnosed as ADHD participated in the current study. They were classified according to two groups, narrative treatment group and medication treatment group. The narrative treatment group (NTG) was asked to participate in 6 weeks combined therapy of medication and 11 sessions of narrative therapeutic treatment. The medication group (MG) was asked to participate in 6 weeks combined therapy of medication and education for behavior controls in ADHD children. ResultsZZDuring the 6-week treatment period, the clinical symptoms in NTG improved at a trend level, compared to MG [F(1,16)=4.32, p=0.054]. During the 6-week treatment period, the sub-scale of respecting for children in parent-child interaction scores [F(1,16)=8.65, p=0.010] and self-control scores [F(1.16)=3.78, p<0.01] in NTG improved significantly, compared to MG. ConclusionZZBased on the current results, therapeutic narrative treatment can be a complementary trial for improving self-control and parent-child interaction in children with ADHD

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