최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

통일은 치유다 : 분단과 통일에 대한 정신의학적 고찰

Unification Is Healing : Psychiatric Contemplation of Korean Peninsula Division and Unification

  • 112

Koreans have repeatedly experienced societal traumas, of which Korean Peninsula division and 6.25 are the greatest sources of trauma. Such division and the Korean War have destroyed the concept of “nation community,” “town community,” and “rational community” in the Korean people. Thus, Korean people have come to 1) live in a society with no recognition of community, 2) obsession with extreme ideologism, 3) lower ability to resolve conflict making societal dissension more serious. For the healing of this trauma, the following projects are needed : 1) foreign case analysis of societal trauma healing, 2) analysis of each subject and healing, 3) rebuilding of nation, town, and ration community in Korean society, 4) creation of artwork that gives introspection to division and its sublimation, 5) take the challenge to sublimate suffering in order to create a higher mental state of individual and society. Thus, the professional role of a psychiatrist is important. First, administer professional treatment to those in need of medical psychiatric help who are suffering from societal trauma resulting from division. Second, grasp the mental and societal difficulties and special help needed for the various traumas. Third, help in creation of artwork dealing with the pain of division. Fourth, create a more culturally sensitive and appropriate psychiatric support method for North Korean Refugees in South Korea. Fifth, help in sublimating pain and finding meaning and maturation through it. It is important to acknowledge that “Unification is Healing.”

서론 : 사회적 트라우마의 영향

사회적 트라우마로서의 분단

분단과 치유

분단 치유를 위한 미래 과제

결론 : 통일은 치유다

