최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

우울증의 진단 및 평가 지침 개발 : 진단 지침을 중심으로

Development of Clinical Guideline for the Diagnosis and Evaluation of Depression : Focused on Diagnosis Guideline

  • 131

ObjectivesZZThe aim of this study is to develop guideline for use in diagnosis of depression. MethodsZZDevelopment of this guideline was processed according to the ADAPTE manual, which was developed for adaptation of good clinical practice guidelines. Important key questions were determined, and a systematic review of clinical practice guidelines was performed. The contents of guidelines selected by comparison of the methodological quality and currency were evaluated with regard to the applicability and acceptability. Answers to key questions and clinical recommendations were established by peer review. ResultsZZThere has been no evidence on strategies to improve the accuracy and rate of diagnosis of depression. The screening tools for depression were useful in diagnosis of depression in clinical practice. ConclusionZZThe results of this study may suggest the necessity of strategies to improve the validity and reliability of diagnosis of depression. In contrast, scales for screening depression can be useful in diagnosis of depression. This guideline did not include systematic reviews regarding useful scales for diagnosis of depression. In the future, amendment of this guideline might be needed in order to supplement limitations.

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