Futurology is an interdisciplinary field, studying yesterday’s and today’s changes, and aggregating and analyzing both lay and professional strategies and opinions with respect to tomorrow. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to provide the future direction and strategy for the advancement of Korean psychiatry based on the author’s subjective opinion as well as the objective consideration of future changes in the environmental factors affecting psychiatry. First, we attempted to analyze the pros and cons of our status, according to the SWOT analysis. There are several positive factors in the outer environment, such as the increase of personal income, healthy aging people, interest in mental health, and development of a national mental health plan. Meanwhile, the negative factors affecting our future originated from the excessive control by national health insurance as well as our short capacity for social or general mental health needs. Second, we estimated the needs from future changes that might affect modern psychiatry. The future changes force us to prepare ourselves to be more competent in fulfillment of customer oriented positive mental health needs. Further, greater competency is needed in application of neurobehavioral knowledge to the clinical field. In addition, development of dedicated leadership and partnership for accomplishment of social and community based projects is also needed. In conclusion, the Korean Neuropsychiatric Association, for organizational integration of the profession, must develop a strategic plan for achievement of the ideal goal. In the first step, from 2014 to 2019, we need to develop the vision, mission, strategy and framework of our organization. And, the mission should be carried out by several task forces. Consecutively, achievements of the task force should be applied to the organizational performance. In the second step, from 2020 to 2029, full time employment of a psychiatrist for the function of executive secretary should be established. In the third step, from 2029, we need to formally participate in the national project and community program by establishment of a full time organization for the major strategic area. The suggestions could be realized by the communication and commitment of the psychiatric organization
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