최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

신체화 집단의 자동적 주의편향 : 사건관련전위 연구

Automatic Attentional Bias in Individuals with Somatization Tendencies : An Event-Related Potential Study

  • 30

ObjectivesZZThe purpose of this study was to examine the automatic attentional bias to disease/body-related stimuli in individuals exhibiting somatization tendencies using Event-Related Potential (ERP). MethodsZZThe participants were classified according to somatization and control groups based on the somatization symptom scales of the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised and Somatosensory Amplification Scale scores. ERP were recorded in the somatization and control groups while participants were performing the task to respond with neutral (standard stimuli) or disease/body-related words (target stimuli). We compared N100, P200, and P300 ERP components between the two groups. ResultsZZIn the somatization group, the reaction times to disease/body-related words were faster than for neutral words. In ERP analysis, N100 to standard stimuli was not observed in the somatization group. The somatization group showed higher P200 and P300 amplitudes to target stimuli than standard stimuli. On the contrary, in the control group, no difference in P200 and P300 amplitudes was observed between target and standard stimuli. ConclusionZZIt is suggested that individuals exhibiting somatization tendencies have automatic attentional bias to disease/body-related stimuli and interpret disease/body-related stimuli as self-relevant stimuli.

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