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KCI등재 학술저널

일반인의 피해망상적 사고와 과대망상적 사고의 여부에 따른 정신증 경향성에서의 차이

Comparison of the Psychosis Proneness Based on the Existence of Persecutory Delusions and Grandiose Delusions in Nonclinical Population

  • 197

ObjectivesZZDelusions are prevalent even among members of the general population, and persecutory delusions (PDs) and grandiose delusions (GDs) are most frequently found. In this study, we investigated the differences in the dimensions of delusional ideation, reported psychosis proneness, and subjective psychotic symptoms in nonclinical individuals stratified according to the existence of PDs and GDs. MethodsZZA total of 311 nonclinical individuals completed the Peters et al Delusions Inventory 40 (PDI-40), Perceptual Aberration Scale (PAS), Magical Ideation Scale (MIS), Schizotypal Personality Scale (STA), and Symptom Check List-90-R (SCL-90-R). Individuals were grouped according to four types based on the existence of PDs and GDs in PDI-40 items. ResultsZZAn analysis of variance revealed that the four groups differed significantly in total delusion score, distress, preoccupation, and conviction level of delusional ideation, PAS, MAS, STA, in total SCL-90-R scores, and all SCL-90-R sub symptoms. In post-hoc analysis, the group with both PDs and GDs showed the highest scores in all measures, compared with the other three groups. ConclusionZZWe found that individuals with both PDs and GDs have a tendency to possess another delusional ideation and reported more distress, preoccupation, and conviction level of delusional ideation, psychosis proneness, and subjective symptoms. Existence of both PDs and GDs significantly elevated psychosis proneness in comparison to having only either one of them

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