개정판 외상 사건에 대한 아동 반응척도의 요인타당도 및 정신측정학적 성질 연구
Factorial Validity and Psychometric Properties of the Korean Version of the Children’s Response to Traumatic Events Scale-Revised in Recently Traumatized School Children
ObjectivesZZPosttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in children is prevalent and often persists for many years after the trauma. Therefore, screening and early detection using psychometrically sound instruments is a pivotal element of appropriate management. This study tested the reliability and validity of a Korean version of the Child Reaction to Traumatic Events Scale-Revised (K-CRTES-R) in a sample of recently traumatized school children. MethodsZZThe K-CRTES was administered to a total of 464 school children aged ten to twelve who had witnessed or had been confronted with a tragic accident involving three deaths. Internal consistency, two week test-retest reliability, and construct validity were assessed. A non-random portion of participants also completed the State Anxiety Inventory and the Subjective Unit of Distress Scale for testing convergent validity. Exploratory factor analysis was conducted for a random half of participants (n=232), and, for the remaining half, we tested the model fit by performance of confirmatory factor analysis. ResultsZZTwo week test-retest reliability was high (r=0.85), and internal consistency was excellent (Cronbach α=0.92). The total score for the K-CRTES-R showed significant correlation with state anxiety and subjective level of anxiety, thus confirming its convergent validity. In addition, the K-CRTES-R distinguished between direct exposure and indirect confrontation, demonstrating the discriminant validity of the scale. In addition, we confirmed the factorial validity by identifying a two-factor structure (intrusion-hyperarousal and avoidance) that explained 56% of the total variance. This two factor solution and other previously suggested PTSD models showed fit indices that were within an acceptable range. ConclusionZZFindings of our study indicate that the K-CRTES-R is a good measure of reliability and validity that can be used to assess the impact of trauma in Korean speaking children
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