최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

외래 중심 알코올 의존 치료의 30개월 외래추적률 및 관련 요인

Thirty-Month Follow-Up Rate and Predictors of Outcome in Outpatient Based Alcoholism Treatment

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ObjectivesZZThe patient with alcohol dependence needs continuing care in an outpatient treatment setting. This naturalistic retrospective study is the first report investigating the long-term follow-up rate and predictors of outcome in outpatient-based alcoholism treatment in Korea. MethodsZZWe conducted a chart review of patients, who visited a university-affiliated hospital alcohol clinic from 2005 to 2007. All patients diagnosed with alcohol dependence were enrolled. Patients were evaluated using a customized alcoholism evaluation package. Demographic factors, clinical data and self rating scales were included in the evaluation form. ResultsZZOf 109 patients, 27 (24.8%) adhered to our outpatient-based treatment for 30 months. The mean follow-up duration of participants was 11.1 months. A Kaplan-Meier survival analysis showed that comorbidity, initial treatment on admission, previous treatment history and family history made a significant difference to follow-up duration. Age, sex, alcohol history, motivation, AUDIT-K, BDI, BAI and RTCQ-TV were not significantly associated with follow-up duration. ConclusionZZComparing to outcomes of previous inpatient alcohol treatment in Korea, long term follow-up rate in outpatient treatment was superior, and abstinence/controlled drinking rate is not inferior. This finding suggests that outpatient based alcoholism treatment has sufficient efficacy

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