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KCI등재 학술저널

한국형 범불안장애 약물치료 알고리듬 2009 ( I ) : 초기 치료 전략

Korean Medication Algorithm Project for Generalized Anxiety Disorder 2009 (I) : Initial Treatment Strategy

  • 91

Objectives This study investigated the consensus about treatment strategies for the initial treatment of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). This issue represents one of the subjects addressed by the Korean Medication Algorithm Project for GAD in Korea. Methods The executive committee of the Korean Medication Algorithm Project for GAD, support-ed by The Korean Association of Anxiety Disorders, developed questionnaires about treatment st-rategies for patients with GAD, based on guidelines or algorithms and clinical trial studies previously published in foreign countries, especially by the International Psychopharmacology Algori-thm Project, the National Institute for Clinical Excellence, and the Canadian Psychiatric Associat-ion. Fifty-five (64%) of 86 experts on a committee reviewing GAD in Korea responded to the quest-ionnaires. We classified the consensus of expert opinions into three categories (first-line, second-line, and third-line treatment strategies) and identified the treatment of choice according using a Chi-square test and a 95% confidence interval. Results For the initial treatment of GAD, antidepressant monotherapy and the combination of antidepressants and benzodiazepines as anxiolytics were recommended as the first line strategies. Escitalopram, paroxetine CR and venlafaxine XR were selected as first-line antidepressant tr-eatments, and alprazolam, clonazepam and lorazepam were the preferred benzodiazepines. The mean starting doses and mean maximum doses of the drugs were 7.55±3.09 mg and 24.91±8.14 mg for escitalopram, 12.57±2.83 mg and 44.76±15.00 mg for paroxetine CR, and 46.81±16.74 mg and 223.32±60.64 mg for venlafaxine XR. Conclusion These results, which reflect recent studies and clinical experiences, may provide guidelines for the initial.

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