최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

근로자지원프로그램 이용자와 비이용자의 생산성 차이에 대한 예비연구

The Preliminary Study of the Effects of Employment Assistant Programs on Worker Productivity in Korea

  • 142

Objectives Organizations have recently introduced Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) to pro-mote work performance by helping employees to solve their current problems and reduce stress levels. This cross-sectional, retrospective study was conducted to measure features of work performance among EAP users in Korea. Methods Measurements were taken by employee surveys and employee records. Lost productivity time, job/organizational involvement, and job satisfaction were measured among 332 EAP users in ten organizations in Korea, which had introduced EAPs as of 2009. EAP users responded to measurements after one to three months after enrollment in EAP counseling service. A conveni-ence sample of 297 workers, who had not used an EAP counseling service during the study period, was used as a comparison group. Results Compared with non-users, the EAP users showed more presenteeism (53.22 vs. 47.63 hours per four weeks, p=0.025) and more total lost productivity time (p=0.020). Job satisfaction was correlated with presenteeism. Conclusion EAP users showed decreased productivity. It would appear that EAP counseling is a useful program for those who are present at workplace but suffering from decreased performance due to personal stress. This study indicates the need for a prospective outcome study to assess the economic and clinical value of EAPs

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