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KCI등재 학술저널

정신건강증진의 개념과 발전 방향

The Paradigms and Practice of Mental Health Promotion

  • 110

Recently, the Korean Neuropsychiatric Association began trying to revise the name“ Department of Psychiatry” to a more user-friendly name, from possibilities including“ Department of Mental Health Medicine” and“ Department of Mental Health Promotion,” in the hope of increasing its public accessibility and providing more comprehensive public services. There is an ever-increasing need to extend mental health services, via a more active promotion of positive mental health, and to move toward preventive strategies rather than confining mental health service efforts to the traditional treatment of mental illnesses. However, much work is needed to define the construct of “mental health” and to detail ways of promoting it. Defining how psychiatrists can, from an organizational or an individual perspective, practice medicine that promotes mental health, is an urgent issue. In this study, we review the determinants of mental health and the historical development of mental health promotion paradigms. We also attempt to provide the current evidence-based approaches, including the cost-effectiveness of interventions, as they apply to mental health promotion concepts and principles.

서 론

정 신 건 강

정신건강증진(Mental Health Promotion)

정신건강증진의 실제와 발전방향

한국의 정신건강증진

결 론

