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KCI등재 학술저널

정신분석의 역사-분석이론의 진화를 중심으로

History of Psychoanalysis-Focus on the Evolution of Theories

  • 725

Psychoanalysis is a clinical therapy originally developed by Sigmund Freud for the treatment of the neuroses. Although the contemporary practice of psychoanalysis derives historically from Freud s original work, it has evolved greatly as with any discipline. Psychoanalysis had previously undergone several paradigm changes. As a result, clinical psychoanalysis has four conceptually separable perspectives regarding the functioning of human mind. Four psychologies currently significant in psychoanalytic theory are drive (id) psychology, ego psychology, object relations theory, and self-psychology. Each takes a somewhat different perspective on human psychological functioning, emphasizing differing phenomena. As a fifth paradigm of psychoanalysis, the introduction of intersubjectivity is an important facet in modern psychoanalysis. In this paper, the four psychoanalytic paradigms as well as intersubjectivity have been briefly reviewed. In addition, discussed within a historical frame of reference are the contributions of leading modifiers - Anna Freud, Hartmann, Spitz, Mahler, Jacobson, Klein, Fairbairn, Winnicott, and Kohut.

서 론

정신분석의 탄생

욕동 심리학(이드 심리학)

Freud 시기의 자아심리학

정신분석 운동

현대 자아심리학

현대 구조이론



상호주관성 이론(Intersubjectivity)

결 론

