최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

암환자의 불안과 약물치료:근거중심적 고찰

Anxiety and Pharmacological Interventions in Cancer Patients:Systematic Review

  • 50

Objectives Cancer patients experience various types of anxiety, from normal fears to pathological anxiety, through the entire process of the illness. This anxiety requires attention, because it may interfere with their cancer treatment and result in a negative impact on quality of life. The present paper aimed to provide an overview of current pharmacotherapy for anxiety in the oncology setting, by systematically reviewing the related literature. Methods We searched both international and Korean domestic databases with the search terms “cancer”,“anxiety”, and“pharmacological treatment”, targeting between 1980 and 2008, and graded the evidence levels according to the Scottish Intercollegiate Guideline Network (SIGN). Results Of 215 studies searched, we selected only 22 pharmacological clinical studies. There was no meta-analysis or systematic review of psychopharmacotherapy for anxiety disorders among cancer patients. Also, we reviewed a few expert opinions and available clinical trials on anxiety in general. Conclusion Based on the limited evidence, the present review provides an understanding and some recommendations for treating anxiety in cancer patients. Further investigation of psychopharmacotherapy for anxiety in cancer patients is warranted, to develop evidence-based guidelines for comprehensive cancer care.

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